McHugh Construction Selects Ethical Advocate for Ethics Hotline

James McHugh Construction Co., one of the nation’s largest constructionand general contracting companies, announced that they are implementinga new ethics hotlinewith Ethical Advocate, a third party hotline service provider. Thedecision to provide a third party hotline as opposed to using aninternal hotline was made to ensure that all employees and vendors arecomfortable in providing feedback.

Ethical Advocate’s service gives stakeholders the ability to reportfeedback anonymously and confidentially if they choose to do so. McHughadministrators will also be able to ask questions of reporters throughthe anonymous interface.

According to Patricia McHugh, “We really want to do the right thingas a company in every facet of our operations. We encourage anyone inour organization and our stakeholders to use the service if they wish toprovide anonymous feedback.”

Ethical Advocate will provide the hotline 24 hours a day, every dayof the year. McHugh selected Ethical Advocate because they were highlyrecommended by others in the construction industry. “Their system isawesome and very user friendly. They are great to work with and veryresponsive” according to McHugh.

The company plans to customize the system to track their unique areasof feedback interest and will have access to the extensive EthicalAdvocate reporting system. The system will give McHugh’s team theability to analyze reports and trends by functional area, such ascontracts, safety, environmental, people, and financial.

About James McHugh Construction Co.

Founded in 1897, McHugh is one of Chicago’s oldest and largestgeneral contracting, construction management and consulting firms. Manyof Chicago’s top landmarks bear McHugh’s imprint includingworld-renowned structures such as Marina City with its striking corncobshape, Water Tower Place, Trump Hotel & Tower, and the world-classArlington Park racetrack, completed in a record 21 months. More recentcontributions to Chicago’s distinct milieu include the Aqua tower withits undulating “waves” of concrete, the Goodman Theatre, the strikingangles of the Peggy Notebaert Nature Museum, the reconstruction ofWacker Drive, theWIT Hotel and The Blackstone Hotel, and the newhigh-rise neighborhood of Lakeshore East.

McHugh’s leadership applies to its people as well as its structures.The company was the first in Chicago to bring minorities into theironworkers’ union and first to enter a joint venture with a minoritycontractor. They also extended company ownership to their employees inthe 1970s, long before it was common practice. More information aboutMcHugh can be found at

About Ethical Advocate

Ethical Advocate provides leading governance, risk and compliancesolutions supporting Sarbanes-Oxley and many other regulatory andreporting needs. Persons desiring to report incidents, indiscretions, orsuggestions can do so securely, 24/7/365, with privacy and anonymity,on the Internet in 15 languages, or through its Call Center in 175languages. Ethical Advocate also provides custom designed live andon-line Ethics Trainings and seminars. For more information, visit theEthical Advocate website at or call 1-888-ETHICS 6.