Promote Hotlines During Ethics Week
Corporate Compliance & Ethics Week is a great time to reinforce the importance of ethics and compliance in the workplace and to promote your hotline too.
This 10th annual celebration of the importance of ethics and compliance is set for the week of May 4. Many companies use this week to increase employee awareness of the code of conduct, hotlines and other reporting mechanisms, relevant company policies and related information, and to educate employees on specific issues. Others also take the opportunity to thank employees for their commitment, recognize program successes, and reinforce an ethical culture, all with a good helping of fun.
The Health Care Compliance Association and the Society of Corporate Compliance and Ethics provide a number of resources to help you plan and execute successful compliance week programs.
At their websites, listed below, you’ll find a sample newsletter template, a sample article for your internal blog or newspaper, five sample email blasts – one for each day of the week, and a series of inspirational posters. You’ll also find a list of event ideas such as a compliance carnival, compliance and ethics quiz challenge, “do the right thing” case studies, a compliance panel, and lunch and learn events.
Whether or not you host special events, Compliance and Ethics Week is an excellent time to focus employee attention on your ethics policies and resources. Send all employees a copy of the company code of conduct, which should also highlight resources such as the ethics hotline. Post a related message from the CEO in the company newsletter, on the internal website, and in other venues that will reach all employees. Update your ethics-related training and education programs. Make sure that hotline contact information and instructions are current and easily available. Communicate, communicate, and communicate to keep hotline and ethics program awareness high!
The theme for Compliance & Ethics Week 2014 is “compliance makes a difference.” By establishing ethics policies and standards, encouraging communication, and providing education and training, your organization is complying with various laws and regulations. More, it is enabling an ethical culture. Celebrate that fact from May 4-10 this year, and then continue celebrating throughout the year!
Ethical Advocate can help you make a difference by providing comprehensive ethics and compliance solutions. Contact us to learn more.
Health Care Compliance Association,
Society of Corporate Compliance and Ethics,