6 FAQ’s About Compliance and Ethics
When it comes to ethics and compliance, there are so many complex nuances to consider. And as a business leader or manager responsible for developing and maintaining ethics policies, you likely have ongoing questions. Today, we’ll share some of those most frequently asked questions and provide the insights you need to effectively manage your company’s ethics and compliance.
1. What are the core differences between ethical responsibility and legal compliance?
When developing your company’s compliance policies, you’ll look to ensure that all laws and regulations are strictly observed. These might vary depending on your industry. Ethics and responsibility address accountable business practices as they pertain to people, culture, and community within a work environment.
2. What is the most significant aspect of an ethics or compliance program?
Compliance is rooted in boundaries defined by law, while ethics is more about judgments and decisions that reflect company values. The most important aspect of either, despite their differences, is understanding and transparency. Your teams won’t follow the rules if they don’t know the rules. And it’s why creating a robust ethics and compliance training initiative is so important.
3. Which is more important to enforce, ethics or compliance policies?
Of course, any compliance violations might result in fines and negative consequences regarding applicable licensing or certification. Violating ethics remains more of an internal company issue, whereby an investigation might lead to employee termination, legal recourse, or disciplinary actions. Neither scenario is ideal, and both can pose significant financial risks to your business.
4. What are the risks to address when developing an ethics and compliance policy?
Primarily, these guidelines are in place to ensure employees understand what behaviors and principles are expected at the workplace and beyond. With your policies, you’ll define ideal actions and reactions, responses, and best practices. You’ll also outline processes for noncompliance and violations, including reporting channels, investigation measures, procedural auditing, and discipline.
5. What are the biggest challenges in maintaining a compliance and ethics policy?
Most businesses can initially establish their compliance and ethics regulations and processes. Unfortunately, both can be challenging to monitor ongoing since key leadership roles can’t be everywhere all the time to monitor behaviors and processes. An ethics hotline often becomes the best solution, providing a safe and anonymous channel for reporting concerns and violations.
6. Why are ethics hotlines so popular among company administrators?
Whether you’re running a restaurant, operating a warehouse, or managing financial investments, your business model could benefit from an ethics hotline in a variety of ways. With an anonymous reporting channel available to staff, customers, vendors, and colleagues, you can essentially deputize anyone to keep an eye out for non-compliant or unsafe behaviors. Early detection of violations will allow you to take swift action before concerns turn into costly situations. From OSHA and HIPAA regulations to sexual harassment and theft, it’s the ethics hotline that can help you stay ahead of major issues.
Should you have additional compliance or ethics-related questions, let the team at Ethical Advocate provide you with answers. We can help you understand your company’s risks and forge a strategy for the most robust ethics and compliance policies. And we’ll help you incorporate an ethics hotline!