Upgrading Your Diversity Policy? Why an Ethics Hotline Makes Sense, Too
Today’s company leaders realize diversity represents an organizational advantage, not just a formality enforced by compliance measures. It’s not about checking a box. Rather, diversity policies are being developed to enhance ethical management and improve overall performance. They’re also essential in promoting a positive company culture, a necessity for onboarding and company growth. As you develop your robust guidelines surrounding diversity within your company, it also makes sense to implement an ethics hotline.
Ethics Hotlines Can Address Internal Diversity Violations
You may not be aware of any direct instances of racism or discrimination among your ranks. But it doesn’t mean these scenarios aren’t happening. Diversity does not only apply to hiring practices, either. And because teams of employees are routinely expected to work together, support each other, and resolve work-related challenges together, encouraging unity is paramount. Having an ethics hotline in place to support any diversity policies you have will allow employees at any level to confidentially and anonymously report diversity-related violations. Maintaining a cohesive unit of employees benefits everyone. And spotting instances of diversity exclusion, racism, or discrimination early will allow company leadership to take immediate action.
Identify Instances of Discrimination Immediately
If racism exists within your company, you’ll want to immediately take the necessary steps to address it. If left unchecked, one employee engaging in discriminatory behavior can sabotage an entire team. Developing a robust and transparent diversity policy is a necessary first step. It sets the tone for everyone what behaviors are encouraged and discouraged, with consequences for violators. Simultaneously establishing an ethics hotline can be a natural next step to support your new diversity policies. And because anyone can call an ethics hotline to report violations, you will have a channel to help you identify and respond to reports immediately.
Diversity Extends Outside the Company
Diversity policies don’t just apply to internal employees and staff members. Your diversity position might also apply to outside vendors, company partners, clients, and guests. For example, you may not want to work with a vendor or client who does not support your diversity and inclusion policy. Alternatively, you might have an internal staff member who discriminates against contractors or clients without your knowledge. These unfortunate instances do occur. And having a diversity policy isn’t always enough to prevent them. Having an ethics hotline in place does provide an anonymous outlet for reporting these missteps that involve those outside of your company environment.
Enforcement of Your Zero-Tolerance Policies
Making a company statement about your efforts to be more inclusive is one thing. But to enforce any zero-tolerance policies regarding racism, hate, and discrimination, you need more than an updated page in your employee handbook. The ethics hotline can support your diversity initiatives and encourage everyone among your ranks to take violations seriously. Include proper employee training to ensure everyone is able to identify discrimination when they encounter it. And provide teams with the tools they need to help company leaders take a proactive approach to reporting, investigating, and remedying claims.
If you’re making changes to improve your company’s diversity policy, consider implementing an ethics hotline to support your efforts. And let Ethical Advocate help you launch and manage your hotline for best results.