
Based in North Carolina’s Chapel Hill – Durham – Raleigh Triangle region, Ethical Advocate has been providing ethics hotline, compliance and training services for over a decade.  We have over 4 million people contracted to use our anonymous ethics hotline reporting services.

Ethical Advocate’s purpose is to enhance the ethical and financial well being of society and commerce, through our ethics hotline service and ethics training.  We are committed to providing unparalleled customer service.  As an ethics based company, we use the highest integrity in every action and treat all stakeholders with respect.

Our success is due, in large measure, to our reputation for excellent customer service. Ethical Advocate attained one of the highest client satisfaction levels ever achieved through the Dun & Bradstreet Past Performance Evaluation, wherein a company is anonymously evaluated by its clients. EA received a 96 rating (D&B won’t give a perfect score as a matter of policy and we were told the highest score they ever gave was 98), placing it at the very top echelon of all rated companies for client satisfaction. Given it was anonymous, our clients could have said anything without us being any wiser as to who said what, but what they consistently said was how we exceeded expectations.